19.01.2022, online
IOMP webinar: Re-igniting the role of physics in medicine. Bližší informace zde, registrace zde.
13.06.2022 - 29.07.2022, Herceg Novi, Černá Hora
International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research
1) Spring Edition from 13.06 to 17.06.2022 http://www.rad2022-spring.rad-conference.org/
2) Summer Edition from 25.07 to 29.07.2022 http://www.rad2022-summer.rad-conference.org/
17.08.2022 - 20.08.2022, Dublin
4th European Congress of Medical Physics https://www.ecmp2022.org/
29.05.2022 - 02.06.2022, Lublaň, Slovinsko
Estro School "IMRT/VMAT and other highly conformal techniques in clinical practice", leták, https://www.estro.org/Courses/2022/IMRT-VMAT-and-other-highly-conformal-technique-(1)
22.05.2022 - 25.05.2022, Leuven, Belgie
07.10.2022 - 08.10.2022, Lisabon
5th ESTRO Physics Workshop 2022: Science in Development https://www.estro.org/Workshops/2022-Physics-Workshop
12.09.2022 - 21.10.2022, Evropa
SINFONIA project - training courses, nabídka zde https://www.efomp.org/index.php?r=news/view&id=281
Bez poplatku, účastník si hradí jen cestovní náklady a ubytování.
07.10.2022 - 08.10.2022, Lisabon
"KV imaging optimization and justification in Radiotherapy" as a part of Estro physics workshop https://www.estro.org/Workshops/2022-Physics-Workshop/kV-X-rays-based-IGRT-justification-and-optimisatio
13.10.2022 - 15.10.2022, Atény (Řecko) & online
Statistics in Medical Physics, program, registrace
26.10.2022 - 27.10.2022, online
Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiology Techniques for Medical Imaging (TG108 Digital Workshop: Part 1)
Vídeňská 1958/9, 140 21 Praha 4
+420 236 053 056
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