Radiobiology and Radiobiological Modelling in Radiotherapy

17.03.2013 - 21.03.2013, Port Sunlight

Radiobiology and Radiobiological Modelling in Radiotherapy (17-21 March 2013)

The 2012 Clatterbridge course on "Radiobiology & Radiobiological Modelling in Radiotherapy" was held at the Leverhulme Hotel, in Port Sunlight (just 3 km. from Clatterbridge Cancer Centre) from 25-29 March 2012. The dates of the next course are 17-21 March 2013. See the booking form for more details.

Program -


Česká společnost fyziků v medicíně, z.s.

Vídeňská 1958/9, 140 21 Praha 4
+420 236 053 056

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