Informace od prezident IOMP

Just before the World Congress we published the new issue of the IOMP Journal Medical Physics International. Apart from the usual educational, professional and invited papers, the Journal includes Abstracts from the IOMP School, organised next week at WC2018 by our colleagues J Damilakis and M Stoeva. You can read/download the free MPI issue at:
Also, a month ago the Journal Medical Physics International published its first Special Issue dedicated to the IOMP Project “History of Medical Physics”. This 100 pages issue includes three chapters: History of X-ray Tubes Development; History of Radiographic Receptors (Film/Screen); History of e-Learning Introduction in Medical Physics. You can read/download the free MPI issue at:


Česká společnost fyziků v medicíně, z.s.

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+420 236 053 056

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