Pro zájemce z řad radiologických fyziků ...
Dear NMOs Delegates and Presidents
Please find attached:
1. The recent document on the Horizon 2020 research programme for the years 2014-15 (EC decision of 10 December 2013).
2. The Euratom Work Programme for 2014-2015.
3. The call from OPERRA (7th Framework rogramme).
There are several topics where medical physicist can be involved and, as EFOMP, we would like to share these information with NMOs.
Kind Regards
Dott. Marco Brambilla
Secretary General of EFOMP
European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics
Direttore SC di Fisica Sanitaria
Az. Ospedaliero Universitaria Maggiore della Carità
28100 Novara, Italy
tel +39 0321 3733369 fax +39 0321 3733327 mobile:+39 3357789678
OPERRA, Euratom, Health
Vídeňská 1958/9, 140 21 Praha 4
+420 236 053 056
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